
Monday, March 3, 2014

Wholesale and dropshipping art

This is a great website to find wholesale art:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Need a Website Host? Need a Website Host for $0.01? I got Ya

Everyone on the internet has thought about having their own website, and everyone has thought about making some money on said internet, but let's face it... all that can cost some money!!! Hosting alone can get up into the $30 range. Well if you have dreams of being a website owner the first thing you're going to need is Hosting, so why not use the website the majority of the internet uses? Host Gator... and on top of that, what if I told you you can get that hosting for just 1 penny? That's a dollar sign, a 0, a decimal, another 0 and a 1!!! Everyone can afford that. You can go outside and find a penny. They're EVERYWHERE! That means you have access to hosting just lying around the ground. So why not do it? Just sign up by clicking the banner above all of this, and in the area that asks for coupons you simply type in 1CENT, and you got it!
Now you need a domain name. That's the magic. That's what people know your website by. Think about it. You know you don't know what Host they're on. (They have their own Facebook hosting) But the point still stands, you're going to need a Domain Name to host at Host Gator, so how about n awesome website like They have literally hundreds of different domain name enders. All of the most popular ones like .com .net .org, but they also have some really cool designer ones. People will remember your website if it ends in .guru or .photography or even .singles. What if you ended up making the next Plenty of Fish, that one is going to get remembered. So just click on the Banner below and get started.... Oh what's that? Where's my damn discount? Don't worry I have you covered. How about 2 really useful coupons for you below the banner.

How about free WhoIs protection? Just use the coupon code = PRIVACYPLEASE. That's usually $3.99
How about your new websites name for $10.25? = FEBCOM234
How about a year of personal SEO training, to get your website on the front page of Google no problem? Well you don't need a code for that, you get that for free no matter what.

So there you go. An entire website that could have costed around $80.00, I got it down for you to $10.26. You could go trade in a game and get that. You could pawn a hubcap and get that, you could donate some plasma and make that in an hour... and help people out. Just click those banners, and use those coupons and you'll have everything set up on your new website by the end of the night. Then you can start doing some Internet Marketing and in a few years, who knows, maybe you'll be the next Mark Zuckerberg. If so remember your old friend Eddie who set you up for $10.26.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Auctions for free stuff at

Make $20 per referral to this site!!!

Click Here and you'll be taken to the website. All you have to do is sign up for free, and then get people to sign up. You get $20 for every single person who makes a new FREE account. That's awesome. That's 5 people and you get $100.00. That's damn good for free.

$300 Easily per Day

Holy shit this actually works, and I just wanted to share it with you, the internet snooper. Click Here It's come to my attention that it's a little difficult to do those surveys so try this: Click Here

Life Hacks at their Finest

I don't know how I ever lived without these life tips. Never get a mosquito bite again!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Here's that thing we were talking about ;) ;)

I am working on a money making method and this is a test of that very method. Should this method work out, I believe I will share it freely to all seven of the people who read this blog. Simply Click for me, and we will work this all out.